Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade leaves the printers today!

Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade Cover
Today marks the biggest business expense I have ever made (well, short of college, if you count that). I just authorized the final payment on the printing and shipment of 2 thousand copies of Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade! They’re shipping out from the printer today and will arrive at their next destinations very soon. Where do they go next? Read on to find out:
Chronicle City, who will be handling most of our overseas fulfillment will be receiving their books through a partner company in New York, so that shipment may take a bit of time to find its way to the UK. After that, I’ll have a better idea of when the UK and other international backers should be getting their books.
Indie Press Revolution will be warehousing for us and fulfilling the domestic orders and most of the orders which require bookplates for the signatures. With luck, those bookplates will arrive in time for IPR to ship them out already installed in your books! Otherwise, we’ll be shipping them out to you individually. Lots of moving parts here, but I don’t want to hold up the book shipments if I can avoid it, so if there is a delay on the bookplates we’ll prioritize getting the books out to you and ship the plates with signatures and aspects out to you afterwards. IPR is scheduled to start shipping books out on the 19th of this month. I’ll keep you posted if anything changes there.
I’ll keep everyone up to date as to when the books will start shipping out to the backers and then to retailers. I’m all a-quiver with excitement at this stage. Our book is real, it exists in the physical world now. I hope to have a copy in my own hands, soon. Vigilance Press is now making real-world books, destined for real-world gaming stores! This is our biggest venture yet, and it wouldn’t have been possible without your help.
Thank you, everyone, for helping us make Tianxia a reality.
-James Dawsey
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