James Clayton talks Status Quo Video Game

James “Cheshire” Clayton and Alex Godi from Miffed Kitty Press stop in to talk up their ongoing project to transform their tabletop game into a video game. James Dawsey hosts.

You can check out the original Status Quo: Chronicles of a Universe at War tabletop rpg (for free!!) at the miffed kitty website.

You can participate in the Status Quo fundraiser at: indiegogo.com

Thanks for stopping in, guys!

Christopher McGlothlin talks about Heroes and Villains Vol. 2

As Green Ronin prepare to put DC Adventures Heroes and Villains Volume 2 up for sale on their online store, Christopher McGlothlin, scholar and gentleman that he is, stops in to chat with me about his work on the book! We chat up the Silver Age characters in the book, and talk about the ‘Iconic’ approach to covering every version of a character possible.

… and Christopher McGlothlin talks about his delight at being able to stay on “Top” of some of his favorite characters in the DC Universe. :)

James Dawsey hosts!

Marvel Actual Play Demo

Greetings, True Believers! This special demo podcast features the brand new Marvel Heroic Roleplaying! Jason Tondro, Rick Jones, and Theron Bretz play Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Luke Cage respectively. James Dawsey counts his dice as The Watcher (GM) for the game. Brace yourselves for an epic adventure that spans almost three hours!!

If you like the game, please feel free to leave a comment and let us know! We made some mistakes (our first time with this one) but very minor ones- I missed some opportunities for Extraordinary Success and neglected some of the rules until later in the session- But that’s how you know it’s “For Reals!” :) Enjoy the show, and Stay Vigilant!

Cam Banks talks Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Release!

Cam Banks from Margaret Weis Productions returns to talk about the release of the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game (which should be live in mere minutes)! Jason Tondro co-hosts with James Dawsey as we discuss upcoming releases, some aspects of the rules and how the game is different from other Superhero games, and which characters might be available as “DLC” in the near future. We also answer some questions from various listeners and talk about which “Era” of Marvel we like best!

Check Drive-Thru RPG for the release of the Marvel PDF (should appear in this space around Midnight EST)

Check MWP website for more info about the Marvel Heroic RPG and other MWP products!

Brandon Blackmoor talks Bulletproof Blues!

Brandon Blackmoor and Dan Houser stop in to talk about their upcoming project “Bulletproof Blues”, a new roleplaying game for superheroes…. among many other topics! Mind the twists and turns, folks, this one tends to meander a bit. :)

To check out the art Dan mentions in the show, you can look at the RPGNet thread at this link!

Coming soon from Vigilance Press: The Oktobermen Special Edition: Print on Demand and PDF!

Sean Fannon talks Drive Thru RPG and RPGNow, Champions, Omniverse, and More!

Thank you for tuning in once again to the Vigilance Press Podcast! This episode’s special guest is Sean Patrick Fannon, RPG author extraordinaire. With over 20 years in the industry, Sean has been involved with RPGNow.com and Drive-Thru RPG for several years and is on the show to talk about the business, how easy it is to get started, and a bit about the tools the sites offer customers and publishers. We also talk a bit about his history with Champions and other RPGs, as well as his big “Omniverse” project. Tune in, pour yourself a Guinness(optional), and enjoy!

We’re also proud to announce that our runaway hit “Strange Attractors” will be joining a big promotion at RPGNow and Drive-Thru RPG celebrating Romance and Geeks! Smoke and Mirrors (For M&M) will also be listed in the sale. Aww, ain’t it romantic? Coming soon, More Super-Heroic Roleplaying interviews in coming episodes, and news about our big Supers projects for the year!

Gareth Skarka talks ICONS and Far West and More!

In this episode of the Vigilance Press Podcast, James Dawsey is joined by Co-Host Dan Houser (line artist for ICONS) and publisher Gareth Michael-Skarka for an epic conversation about ICONS, Adamant Entertainment, and Far West Fundraising. Clocking in at almost 2 hours, this is an epic feast, so make sure you have room on your plate!

Topics of discussion also include the upcoming ICONS releases “Adventure Omnibus” and “ICONS Team-Up”, and I even work in a few plugs for upcoming ICONS projects from Vigilance Press. Follow Adamant Entertainment Here for the latest news on ICONS releases!

You can check out our latest ICONS project “Smoke and Mirrors” here: http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=98084

Til next time,

“Stay Vigilant!”

RJ Grady Talks about Fantastic Creatures Special for M&M

RJ Grady from Tripod Machine stops by to talk up his Kickstarter project for Mutants and Masterminds: Fantastic Creatures Special. This product will contain 100 Creatures and some variations for the Mutants and Masterminds Third Edition Super-Powered license. Thanks again to RJ for stopping by the show to talk up the project, and best of luck!

Tonight’s episode runs just over 30 minutes, so catch us on your lunch break! Stay Vigilant!

You can find the kickstarter page here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/502760470/fantastic-creatures-special-rpg-supplement?ref=history

Jeff Dee talks Cavemaster and More!

Villains and Vigilantes Guru and artist extraordinaire Jeff Dee joins James Dawsey to talk about his upcoming artist projects, the Cavemaster roleplaying game, Villains and Vigilantes, and more! Thanks again to Jeff for joining us at Vigilance Press. You can find out information on his various projects at these Kickstarter pages:

The Cavemaster Roleplaying Game Kickstarter Page

Recreating the Art from the Queen of the Demonweb D&D Module Kickstarter Page

Monkey House Games Website

Powers and Playing in RPGs

This epic-scale conversation features Jason “Doctor Comics” Tondro and Jack “Weaponized Virtue” Norris discussing several topics, including how to build powers in several super-hero roleplaying games. Other topics covered are the upcoming Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game from Margaret Weis Productions, upcoming projects from Vigilance Press, and more! Almost two hours in total.

James Dawsey hosts and (occasionally) interjects a word or two.

Thanks to everyone for listening and supporting Vigilance Press! Happy Holidays!