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The Immortal Mistress of Magick… Covenant!
A Power Level 10 Renegade, Covenant has walked the Earth for generations. She has spent centuries honing both her mystic skills and her anti-mundane prejudices. Covenant is a mystic master in the Beacon City universe, but can be dropped into any campaign with very little alteration.
Covenant is designated “Violet” for her magical origins. She has seen the worst of humanity in her long years on this world, and it has left her with very little respect for those who do not walk the path of magick. She considers “Mundanes” to be both troublesome and of little value. While she rarely sets out to cause trouble for them, she will not hesitate to enter into conflicts with them in defense of mystic beings, even those most mystics might deem overtly dangerous.
Welcome to Rogues, Rivals & Renegades. Each entry in the series is designed as a villain, a potential ally with complications, or an outsider who might help the PCs one day and be at odds with them another. Each character has the potential to become a mainstay of your campaign!
Rogues, Rivals & Renegades are presented as files from a meta-human monitoring agency called METAs, with a loose frame story connecting them to Vigilance Press‘s own Beacon City setting. They are designed to drop into any setting with minimal effort, however, and the METAs commentary is written to give you a better picture of each character’s personality and threat level. Each issue gives you a background for the character, commentary from METAs files, a standee to print and play with, and Hero Lab files for key characters!
Authored by Rick Jones with full color art by Alex Williamson and Dionysia Jones, and layout by Ruben Byrd. Designed for the Mutants and Masterminds Third Edition Roleplaying game.
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