Tianxia Print Edition now available for order to the General Public!
Summary: Shipping update, Tianxia available for order to the general public!
So now that all of our Backer books are in the pipeline to our backers, Indie Press Revolution has opened up sales of the book to customers and retailers!
Click Here to order Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade from IPR!
More details after the break!
Kaiju Kultists now available via Print on Demand on Create Space!
Due Vigilance Issue 4: Kaiju Kultists by Jack Norris is now available as a Print on Demand book at Create Space! Order your Print copy here!
Tianxia: The Shippening… Domestic Backer copies shipping this week!
Hey, gang! This is just a short notice to let everyone know our books are going out to domestic backers starting this week. I’ve posted this up on Kickstarter as an update, which you can find here. There are photos of the packing process, in case you’re curious to see how they’re being shipped!
A deep breath before the plunge- Tianxia is at the warehouse!
Want to see what two thousand-odd newly minted books look like sitting in a warehouse? Check the picture after the break!
The Kaiju Kultists are here! Monsters versus Superheroes… FIGHT!
When you’re faced with the villains known as the Kaiju Kultists, it’s time to go big or go home! These monsters are so huge we had to design new rules for your Mutants and Masterminds Third Edition campaign to tell the tale.
In this issue of Due Vigilance you’ll find a set of monster-versus-city rules for pitting your heroes against foes who tower over the skyline! You’ll also meet a whole troupe of evil Kaiju and their misanthropic human counterparts. From the undying cruelty of Itaihime, to the madness of Waira the Strange, a variety of fully developed super-sized menaces await within these pages. Or use the provided guidelines on designing Kaiju Kultists and other giant creatures to create menaces of your own!
Designed and written by veteran Mutants and Masterminds author Jack Norris, Kaiju Kultists presents six fully detailed villains and a host of other NPCs. Illustrations are provided in full color by Denis Loubet, Denise Jones, and Alex Williamson, including print-and-play standees for all the featured characters.
The PDF copy also includes Hero Lab portfolio files for the important NPCs in the book. Grab your copy at Drive-Thru RPG by clicking this link!
The Kaiju Kultists want to stomp out all of humanity… only your heroes stand in their way!
Me First! (Tianxia is in my hands!)
One of the great perks about being a publisher is that I get the first copy of the books I make. Today, I got my publisher’s proof copy of Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade. It looks super-sweet, I’m very proud of all the work that has gone into it. The shipment hasn’t landed at the distributors yet, but I’ll keep you posted as that happens. Domestic backer copies will start shipping around the 19th, assuming no bumps along the way, and I’ll keep you posted as to the shipments for our international backers through Chronicle City as they get their copies.
Thanks again to everyone who backed this project. I can’t wait to hear back from people when they get their hands on this book!
Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade leaves the printers today!

Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade Cover
Today marks the biggest business expense I have ever made (well, short of college, if you count that). I just authorized the final payment on the printing and shipment of 2 thousand copies of Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade! They’re shipping out from the printer today and will arrive at their next destinations very soon. Where do they go next? Read on to find out:
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