Mike Olson talks about the Atomic Robo RPG and the Weird SCIENCE of Fate!

Tianxia Backers: Update your Address on BackerKit now! Check here for details
To all our TIANXIA backers expecting books- Please check your BackerKit account to ensure your mailing address is correct. I’m putting together the final mailing address list for the fulfillment company next week, and I need your information up to date this weekend.
Check here for more details: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/326055564/tianxia-blood-silk-and-jade/posts/815650
Have you ever wondered what a Print Proof looks like?
Wonder no more!
Here is the Print Proof for Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade. The stack on the upper left are sections of pages bound and glued together to create the “Side-by-Side” page effect so I can look them over for layout and typos. The BIG stack on the upper right are my “Laser Color” proofs to show how the actual color will look when printed, and the unfolded page at the bottom is the laser proof of the cover (which will wrap around the book, so the back is to the left and the front is to the right).
This is my homework tonight and tomorrow!
(Click the image to embiggen!)
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